Emma Kathryn Luther

By luther


I'm very excited because I've waited a long time to get this radio. I thought it was too expensive for me, then bought one that was damaged, then this one was delivered to my dad's house when he was out and had to be re-delivered and then it was a while before I could pick it up.

Today I finally got it up and running my kitchen. To me it's a thing of great beauty - I love the gold mesh and the cream leather but more than that I love the sound of music in my kitchen after three months of silence.

A good friend of mine, Molly, once asked me - would I rather live in a world where there were no books or no music. My reply was instant - I need music! She was horrified - wrong answer to her. She reckons books can change your life and teach you so much. I agree of course but to me a life without music would be unbearable.

Anyway today is about something being worth the wait. And I'm learning in life that the longer you wait for things the more you appreciate them!

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