
By shutterbugsue


Great White Egret is a large white heron. It was once called the American Egret but was changed because it's range extends beyond the Americas.
The Great Egret is the symbol of the National Audobon Society. They are second only to the Great Blue Heron in size. They stand over four feet high and have a wing span of fifty or more inches. They stand motionless in the shallows using a foot foraging method. It is the fastest feeding motion of any
organism living in the Everglades. They are usually a solitary bird except during mating season. During mating season both male and female exhibit
long black ornamental plumes. Female lays one to six blue green eggs and both parents share incubating eggs. Baby egrets hatch out usually in three weeks. They are ready to leave the nest at about seven weeks of age. Nests are made some forty feet up made like a platform. They usually nest with groups of herons.
Thank you all for all of your comments and I am thrilled that my Anhinga was spotlighted. That truly is an honor for me.
Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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