"to notice"

By mnaylor

Roquefixade et les Cathare

This region is very much alive with its Cathar history, the people who had separated from a Church of Rome gone astray in and around the 1200's. There are forts and chateaus sitting on tops of high peaks for defense and for protection of the Cathar people. This is a smaller one whereas across the valley where we visited first thing in the morning is Montegard (I am not trying to get the accents in these notes but there is one "a droite" over the e). Montegard is very famous for the 800 or so Cathars who burned at the stake there rather than swear allegiance to the Church they considered impure. Pope Innocent III fronted the Crusade that eventually eliminated the Cathars, at the same the Inquistion was also underway during his reign. War always was and always will be?

What is amazing is the walls and the numbers of massive blocks built into the existing rock of the mountain itself. It is difficult to imagine how many hours, days, years of toil it took to build these two and three foot thick walls. I have amazing details that will have to be shown in another format, one a day for now!

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