Mrs Bear

By mrsbear


For a few months, the girls at work and I have been saying we'd like to go to the Bingo, see what the fuss is all about. Well, tonight we went. What a laugh. Once I realised that the numbers were in order, left to right, tens, twenties, thirties, etc.. it became easier to keep up with the announcer. Who, by the way, sounded like Newman from Newman and Baddiel when he does that sketch of the lecherous bloke in cravat and smoking jacket.. which also made me laugh! Anyway, it was clearly beginner's luck, but I then got a line - but failed to shout out quick enough to win a prize. :( Then I got a House and this time shouted out in time. I won £50!!

Not sure it's the most relaxing evening I've ever had - you have to concentrate really hard! But it was a great laugh, and I now have a bingo membership card should I ever want to go again.... :)

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