Meandering Through Life

By lainie

On Safari

Bob, Ted and Oliver continue on their holidays - this time on safari. The grass is an odd colour don't you think? And wasn't it nice of C. T. Dummy to be their driver. He's a great guy.

But, I'm a little concerned about the cheerleader if I'm honest - these guys need to finish their holiday soon, before it is too late! The world is in serious peril!

Oranjer's colleagues are running a "Weekend Blip-Challenge", where a theme-word is selected at random every weekend. Participants then have to blip a picture related to this word sometime over the weekend, or more if they choose, but only one can be selected for submission to the challange.

This weekend's word is "wild". I haven't decided whether I want to participate in the challenge - I'm not a good loser, but I'm not a great photographer either and there is some very strong competition, so I think I may just attempt a photo on the theme, but not worry about being included.

So, this is my "almost" Weekend Blip-Challenge Entry (these words must appear in the blip text - or spraff as it is apparently known?!).

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