Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Decided to have a weekend at home as its been a bit hectic. Not done much today - Toby is on a feeding marathon at the moment and is up to two meals of mush a day which takes ages to give him but he still wants just as much milk. But he's growing up so fast I am trying to make the most of the hours I'm sat feeding him. Sometimes he just lies there and looks up at me and when I look back he gives me the best smile. His favourite game at the moment is Kissy/Huggie/Tickle monster. Tickle monster in particular makes him squeal with laughter.

I did make it down to the yard this afternoon leaving Mr EG in charge of administering parsnip mush and had a lovely ride out with Kate and Lime's girlfriend Spring who is very very pretty. I feel guilty that Lime is not getting so much tlc these days but I can't chop myself in 2 so I just have to squeeze him in between Toby's feeds when I can. Walk with the dogs and Toby in his carrier this evening and made it back just in time before the heavens opened and gave everything a good soaking.

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