Plus ça change...

By SooB

The Cat in the Hat

You know, there should be more songs with hats in the title. I've one more for tomorrow, but was kind of scraping the barrel today.

In Edinburgh today for an ENT appointment. Allergy tests, lights in my nose and a camera up my nose and down my throat (yuk, gag, etc. After an unpleasant experience in hospital in Ireland, that up the nose and down the throat thing is my least favourite medical procedure.) (So far.) My nose was pronounced "perfect" (I think he meant on the inside) and when asked outright if he thought the problems were all in my mind, he didn't disagree. So that's ok then.

I've been a bit off taking photos the last few days. Even allowing a few outings with (shock horror) no camera at all. I think I've been in danger of falling into the trap of thinking of views only in terms of how I'd squeeze them into a frame. Sometimes it's good to remember to just stand and look too. And this life.turns sequence has been the perfect opportunity to do that. I'm off on hols for a bit tomorrow, so there'll be a blip-gap from me. As tomorrow will be the usual frenzy of packing, with a quick blip squeezed in in the morning, I'll sum up what I've learned from doing this series here:

1. My hair is rubbish for these kind of shots. I should just have scraped it all back into a bun so it could at least have looked the same in each shot (or had some fun with a time lapse bun travelling all over my head...)

2. Wide trousers were a rubbish choice. They just make your legs look odd.

3. No shoes was a mistake. I never wear shoes in the house, so didn't think to put any on. By shot 3 I realised that my super shiny bright red boots would have been cool.

4. Shouldn't have tried to change the hat colour each time, since I haven't managed to do it consistently. It's my daughter's bright pink plastic souvenir High School Musical (On Ice) hat. Should have stuck with pink.

5. Don't try and leave a realistic looking bit of shadow under your feet. People will say it's a nappy/dirty pants. (Mean people.)

In other news, I'm sure Photoshop Elements breaking two days after I received an email from Adobe offering a cheap upgrade to the grown up Photoshop is just a coincidence...

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