Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Reu Reu & Calla

That's what they call each other, signing and saying each other's names the second the other is out of sight.

Two play area trips today, the first at Playa Vista whilst I worked through the night and this morning on yesterday's shoot (backBlip) which I'm immensely proud of and delighted with. The second, the gorgeous park by the ocean at Playa del Rey.

The games they share:
"Is this our car?"
"Car car... No!" chants Callum to every car in the parking lot.

"I want play area please, Mama" the second they come out of the bath at night, exhausted from playing in the play area all afternoon.

Now if they could just stop wrestling for 5 minutes a day, I think I'd be on cloud nine...

And, fresh from our trip back home to the UK, we now watch In the night garden on Youtube every evening, either because Callum's addicted or I am (I found Iggle Piggle in our box of toys remembering it had been given to us 2 years ago but didn't have any significance to me then), Callum rocking to the theme tune and asking for "Ickle" or "Dayie", Reuben running his finger in the palm of Callum's hands in little circles whilst he sleeps.

PS Gosh! Have I really posted on the day the pic was taken once again? My backBlips keep coming but I'm getting there...
Back in time...
Playa Vista
The Beach Boy
Life and love

And thanks everyone for your kind comments which give me a boost. Looking forward to getting back to commenting when I get on top of all these photos from the trip that I'm drowning in right now.

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