Ungloomy Sunday

When the skies seem so huge and I feel so tiny, I realise just how inconsequential I am in the greater scheme of things.

All the stresses I am holding in my heart, head and shoulders just seem to flow away. What's the point of stressing if I can't do anything about it?

A lazy morning, followed by Holy Hour at the Cathedral. A really beautiful and relaxing hour of contemplation and lovely singing.

Then a hike up the hill to the dog park with Cousteau. He had a fabulous time racing around I enjoyed the gorgeous scenery and the fact that Cousteau was happy.

Back to the Cathedral for Mass.

Then off out for tea with a group of people I didn't know. B and I had to share a chair as there weren't enough for all of us. We both have small bottoms so that was okay. He has abnormally broad shoulders though so I kind of ended up sitting side saddle. At the other end of the table, G and R had to share a seat too. All fun (and quite a compliment that we were deemed the only ones with small enough derrières to get away with it!)

Home to bed. I'm blipping on Monday morning.

A good weekend was had by all.

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