
After an early night one would expect the kids would bounce out of bed and be ready for the day. No. A great deal of lethargy. However, it could be said the adults suffered the same.

Anyway, with some prompting and assistance from our friends we were all away by 8.30 and at the slopes by 9am. Obviously everyone else was still in bed! Fabulous day, no one there.

So we skied, and we skied, and we skied some more, And had some lunch, and ski some more, then had a break, then visited Von Browns Hut for drinks and the view.

Fabulous fabulous day. A word I'd also use for all my family. Especially Hannah, such a character, a challenge, but oh so very very cute & so lovable! (and she knows it!)

Back down the mountain by 3pm, a quick pack, and home, then working on my presentation for tomorrows meeting.

Riding the T-bar, camera and 10mm fisheye precariously in one hand!

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