
By jules22

Don't look now arachnaphobes

So. we went to do a kind of Go Ape, except 3500ft up a mountain. It was closed "for technical reasons."
Did someone fall off? Get garotted on a zip wire? Plummet to their death into the gorge, hundreds of feet below?
We never found out. Instead, we mitigated our disappointment by undertaking one of the scariest walks I have ever done in my life.
Called the Galeries Defago, the metre wide path hugs a vertical rock face. On the other side is the same vertigo-inducing drop so trumpeted by the "closed for technical reasons" AccroBranches adventure park.
I took lots of photos, mostly of ashen-faced children who Could. Not. Believe. that their parents could have forced them to walk along a path which would certainly have been declared out of bounds by anyone but the Swiss.
So what caught my imagination? Not the rickety wooden fence which separated us from certain death. No. It was this enormous spider. A good four and a half inches across, it eyed us malevolently as we passed underneath it. Gross. Or grosse, given that the French for spider is araignée ...

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