Vic and Darren (+2)

By vicanddarren

Perfect fit

Darren bought a new suit for the wedding we're attending at the weekend (along with a few other blippers, so I'm sure there'll be lots of photos next week) but the trousers were a bit long so I got out the needle and thread and made him stand on a chair in the living room for a few alterations...and I didn't stab him with a pin once!

It was a bit of a mad dash on Saturday to try and find something nice for Joe to wear. I'm hugely disappointed by the standard of baby boy clothes - if you don't want to put them in jeans or dungarees (don't get Darren started on dungarees!) there is almost nothing for boys under 6 months, whereas I could have (but had to try very hard not to) bought Nia dozens of fabulous outfits. Eventually we found something but it now looks like it's going to rain at the weekend so he'll probably spend a lot of Saturday wrapped in a blanket and no one will see his clothes anyway!

Vic .x.

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