hannaheno's daily lives

By hannaheno

GCSE results day

I was looking in the loft for something and found my old exam papers from 1983, mostly 'O' levels (as was) but also my English Higher. For you English (er, of which I am one), this is the Scottish A level equivalent. How funny I should come across these on results day, 2010.

So, here's part of my English paper - it was divided into 'Composition', 'Literature' and 'Language'. My headmaster, a visionary called John Aitkenhead who set up the first 'alternative progressive' school in Scotland, was mad about Seamus Heaney and of course Robbie Burns; my personal favourite of the Scots poets was Edwin Morgan, whose poems I had to learn and analyse for the exam.

So here you go. For anyone who really wants testing, I've also got my Arithmetic paper (can't do more than 2 of the questions now), French, Home Economics (?!) and 'Anatomy, Physiology and Health' (another Scottish peculiarity).

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