Pics from Zone Flâneur

By paulperton

Groot Trek day 18 - Coffs Harbour

After almost three weeks on the move, we declared today a rest day. A late Aussie style breakfast of eggs, bacon, grilled tomato and two doorstep slices of toast got things going nicely. Then a couple of cold VBs, a snooze and the seemingly interminable wait to head for the station for our 00:58 train to Brisbane.

The station at Coffs is a single platform, served by a single line, meaning that a train heading south (like this one) has to clear the section before the northbound train can proceed. Pretty logical if you think about it, but single line working and how to interlock access from both ends so that only one train at a time can be moving, has been a problem on railways since Stephenson's Rocket. Fortunately, the Aussies have a working solution and our train arrived on time, having waited for this loooooooong freight to pass first.

As it was a rest day, I left the camera pretty much in its bag, but late night waiting at a station and boredom can drive a man to all manner of things. Time exposure being one.

Note the house in the bottom RH segment. Not a reflection as I first thought, but an image created between the passing wagons and while the occasional flat car passed.

Arrived in Brisbane at 07:00 - missed the game - no TV on the train - just as John Smit was hoisting the Webb-Ellis trophy. Go Bokke!

Leica D-LUX 3

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