
By portobelloman

Watching you

Behind every good blipper, there might be another blipper watching you.The lcd screen panning left and right following your every movement, waiting for "that shot", that moment when you do something vaguely interesting.
Have you ever felt that moment when you know the unseen lens is on you, that eerie moment when you are sure you are being watched :::::::::::::

He woke bathed in sweat it was completely dark, but he was aware something some noise had made him wake, then he heard it again the sound of the letter box being lifted up and down.
Naked except for his shorts he padded his way to the front door flicking the light switch as he passed, unaware that the main light had blown.It was then that he saw the vague of shape of fingertips protruding through the letter box "who's there" he shouted, his outburst met by a white piece of paper being pushed through, it read "do you think your dreaming??? you will only know by opening the door".
He turned the gold mortice key and slid back the large top bolt and very slowly he pulled the door open, the damp smell of winter flooded in and the street light caused him to blink for a moment but he saw nothing, what he didnt do however was look to his right!!!!!!!!!!!.

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