Infinite Windows

By Anuradha

Back to my Old School ..

Like a bird on the wire,
like a drunk in a midnight choir
I have tried in my way to be free.(Cohen)

I wish i could be a little fickle and indecisive. I do allow myself for random changes... but habits and relations which I once labeled with No.. I never really went back to their colony. People who never find me stubborn get surprised and thinks even I can be a bit multidimensional which they never anticipated. Well.. m not stubborn .. I just honor decisions I have made. Or you may say self respect... which has got glued with my spine from childhood.

I keep coming back to my adolescence. I keep coming back to my old drawing copy and old songs and old photographs in family album .. and old habits of thinking and interpreting. Actually I never stamped all these with a No. I actually never allowed rust to capture my oldest greens. Some people will fail to understand but ..I do cherish memories.. I do smile thinking of college days .. I do feel soaked in rain even if m juz watching it ! Change is inevitable and change is good. But there is.. and will be some constant me. The drifting devil-may-care me.

I love my freedom. and I love my family. I love them both.. and there's no need to switch them. To be honest.. when I have tried .. and tried to become careless I found myself becoming more conscious about happiness. Happiness can not be achieved. It can be found in lil things. May be in a hole in my umbrella .. or in finding shapes in clouds ..

I feel really good when I feel I have never put a No to my Love, though its not successful in conventional terms. But you know its great to fall in love with my old love.. with the old you... with the constant part of Me .. The greenest part of me :)

Note: This is my first collage .. far away from perfection. I hope .. I will improve .. :)

*Have a nice day*

A n u r a d h a

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