Yesterday I met a man with a beautiful bearded collie, trimmed and neat and clean. The chap explained how he clipped his coat and how much easier it was to look after than having to brush out tuggy bits and tats every day. Good idea, thought I!
This morning Ollie and I went for a long walk, down to the lake, an ornamental lake, with ducks, and boats, and swans, and mud, and very smelly. He made friends with five other dogs and the lot of them careered around, having a whale of a time! Ollie got hot under all his fur so decided to cool off in said lake. The smell and mud and long flowing coat combined to be a sight to behold!
He stood like a perfect saint while I spent a couple of hours clipping him. Both he and I are quite pleased with the result. I have promised to buy him a coat if he gets chilly!
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