
By superrstine


Phew! When I got to 200 blips I said that the past hundred were the most difficult ever and some of you had hope, saying the next hundred wouldn't be as hard. You were right! I've made it to 300 blips in a row. Yipee!!

My original plan for today was to head to the beach one last time before I head up to school on Friday, but seeing as it has been cloudy and cold for the last two days, that didn't work out. I just wanted to get a better tan, that's all!

Jillybean came with me to Long Beach anyways (a different place than where I would've gone to get my tan) where I was in search of a good 300th blip. We got there just as the lifeguards (some of which were wearing Ugg boots in the middle of the summer) were taking down all of the flags because they were closing the beach due to bad there wasn't really anybody there that they had to watch anyways. The only people there were the surfers as seen in the background of this photo (the little black specs around the rocks that would look like surfers if you could make the picture bigger).

Onwards to 365 I go!

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