live and love your life

By Chocolatelover

Tongseng and Gulai

for our (me and my family) dinner.

a bit information about Tongseng and Gulai :

Tongseng : a type of food Gulai but with a seasoning more "sharp". The difference is more obvious is the use of meat. Tongseng made using meat that is still attached to the bone, especially the ribs and spine. Tongseng made from goat meat, and pan-fried with various vegetables like Cabbage, onions, tomatoes, and added spices and soy sauce.

Tongseng usually sold in conjunction with goat satay. Tongseng regarded as typical foods of Solo and the surrounding area.

Gulai : a kind of food cooked using raw materials from goat meat, beef, chicken or other meat types that have characteristic yellow because the effect of turmeric filtrate. this food is another form of curry. This food is oily and is characterized by the use of coconut milk


sluurrrpppp!!! you guys have to taste it!! :D

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