All things Blipable....

By Tina

Chapel Plaister, near box, wiltshire.

What a dismal day! rain rain rain, all day long..

My sister mandy, me and Steve headed off for a 5 minute drive to Wadswick... there is a cute chapel there that has heaps of history,it was a church,then it was used as a Hospice BUT not a hospice as we know it (a place of rest for weary travellers,farmers and their families on their way to market with their animals)and also a store area and bar for the pub(The Bell) that was next door (that was after Good old Henry the VIII and his reformation did away with the religious aspect of the chapel!)

We were told the the women would sleep on the first floor (thats no longer there) while the men slept downstairs, and could be on hand to tend their animals in nearby fields..

also where the cross is on the alter.. well... thats a Chimney breast for the BREAD OVEN that was put in when it was part of the beer store..

Brilliant.. all aspects of life covered in this tiny weeny chapel..

The day did nothing for the light....
but it was well worth a visit...

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