
By spitzimixi


I've had an at home kind of day today...a lot of little 'stuff' got done, children got ferried here there and everywhere, dog got walked, food got cooked, things got cleaned. Inspired by a strange lemon curd obsession that broke out amongst Facebook friends (I'm sure that Horrigans started it!) I made lemon curd...and then bread to eat it on (though we ate some directly from the jar, of course).
Managed to squeeze in an hour and a half training too, so even earnt the calories.

By the way, this blip won the 'which blip?' comp. of the day - competitors were a very nice 'clouds at sunset' picture taken and processed by Flea (I was thinking of passing it off as mine ;-) and then t'other was 'sunflowers at sunrise' (by me). Anyway, here is 'still life with lemon curd and bread' instead. e basta.

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