Planko's Pics

By planko

B.L.I.P Secret Agent Planko

Is this the end of B.L.I.P Agent Planko???

No chance! Im here to stay ;)

Pesky Princess, myself and one of our friends and his daughter had a really good laugh this evening doing this final life.turns pose. I had to strike the pose on top of some cardboard, Pesky P. drew around me, then we cut it out, put on the floor and taped around it.

Originally planned to take 8 shots in different locations (so using the cut-out as a template so they were all roughly the same outline) but had to retrieve kids from swimming 1.5 hours earlier than planned, which meant no time left before the life.turns 9pm curfew.

Such is life. We had a good time anyway. I now have a 6'4" cut-out to do something with....


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