Country File

By marypot


It's Hubby's birthday today, and mine too. I was sort of dreading it beforehand, as it is a 'biggie', but actually it feels ok now it's here. I received some really fabulous pressies and cards, and lots of good wishes too. Lovely :)

For our annual birthday trip out, we went first to the coast at Seaham. We love the beach there - it is so beautiful, and there is tons of space. The cliffs and caves are pretty cool too, but it was impossible to explore it all today in the time we had. We headed off into Durham city centre afterwards to meet with my sister and had some lunch with her in Nandos. Absolutely delicious! After that, we went with sis to book a holiday for next year, which is very exciting as we've not been away since before we had the girls. It will be even more special for us all to share it with my sister and brother-in-law.

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