Watering Can

As it was warm and sunny when we got home this evening I got to play outside for a while. This means one of my favourite things, playing with the watering can. I'm sure the weeds appreciate it!

Dad picked me up from PapaNan's today and we walked home. On the way back, we were singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. That lead me to wonder why I couldn't see the stars and I asked Dad "where do stars go?". This is a question that Dad could answer, but he was flummoxed when I asked him "where do butterflies go?".

Mum and I went to baby group today, for the first time in ages. It was only us girls (me, Louisa and Tyana) because Jake was at his settling-in day at nursery. It was at Louisa's new house, which Mum and I liked very much. I spent most of my time playing with Louisa's Etch-a-Sketch. Next time we're meeting at soft play - maybe I'll be more sociable then!

Here's a video of me using the watering can to make puddles and having lots of fun with them!

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