Morning daffs

These are popping up all over the place (apart from in my garden!). Mine are still green and full of promise but have yet to deliver on that promise.

Oh well, all in good time.

Electricity bill was MASSIVE this month. My boarder is going to have to start paying her way. I can't afford to let her stay for nothing any more!

At least she has a job now so she can afford to pay rent at last!

Lambykins from yesterday's blip wasn't doing too well at lunchtime today. I hope that she will pull through. Nature is so cruel sometimes.

Apart from that, Cousteau, Pio and I have a night in to ourselves tonight. I'm looking forward to a glass of vino and, oh that's right, lots of work! Marking, planning and study (for my Uni certificate) to do. Man, I know how to live!

Early to bed tonight. I'm pooped.

Hasta manana.

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