Arctic-Mummy's Journal

By arcticmummy

Facial Hair

Had a day with the kids getting chores done for the start of term; first stop shoe buying; school shoes & then rugby boots (luckily Sam got some boots from the club second hand store at the end of last season & they still fit him - hurrah!). This was followed by hair cuts, as you can see they vary in colour quite considerably! The boys are very particular about not having their hair cut too short (not trendy!) and Simon aged 11, needs to be able to flick his fringe!!

Chores were followed by lunch in the Blue Onion, one of our local coffee shops, which allowed me to catch up with Paula. The kids were not too impressed that this lasted 2 hours! They did however manage to escape and purchase Simon his first phone for secondary school. This is the only phone I will purchase for him, and I am slightly concerned that he has chosen a pink one! I know pink is trendy for boys, and they both have pink tops ...... but a pink phone??

Back in the gym tomorrow. I have done a bit of homework this week, so it shouldn't be quite so painful as last week!

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