Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Down in the Woods

A busy day at the office again today. Its the end of the month, in fact the end of the first 6 months of the year and time to make sure all results are entered into the God CRM who governs our life.

Had another claimable result land on my desk so am happy in that I am over my allocated target for the first six months. Makes the next six more doable. Its a strange life now in the world of being contracted to deliver public sector services :D Its all about numbers and revenue streams. I could get cynical but that would do no good

Spent a couple of hours working on the charity challenge, Things now seem to be progressing in a practical sense. We have had good responses from our clients with offers of help both in terms of manpower (qualified to do the job too!) and discounts and some sponsorship. One of the committee even found a place in Perth which will supply us with all the paint we need for 50p a tin. That makes a big difference to the way we can use the budget. Another is offering us discounted wood which will make up the sales area and the audio cabinet to go in the hyperbaric tank

So I was glad to get home and the sun even poked its head out. The theme for today was wood. Easy peasy I thought and headed to the woods. Let me tell you wood is hard to take a picture of. I must be missing a trick somewhere :D Answers on a postcard please.

The picture is of a tree albeit the fruit of said tree. Given my limited knowledge of things tree like (its not an oak) I believe it to be an elder and the berries you see are elderberries which do make a lovely wine. Maybe I will dust of the demi john next month and give it a go again :D

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