Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

North Bend Bridge with Clouds

Well, our last week to have Fridays off for the summer (wah wah). I have really loved having the extra time. I get to spend part of my day tomorrow going to the doctor and waiting around for the phone installer to come and install our new phone. My husband and I are starting a new business, and so we need new phone. We now have our business name "Bay Home Enterprises, LLC." So, now I will be tying to create a web page (with a little help from pddesigns), business cards, ads and bullet signs to get things going.
It's pretty scary, but my husband is tired of beating his body up in the construction field. He thinks he is getting too old for the business.

I didn't have much time for pictures today, but when I left work I saw these great clouds that seemed to just be floating along in the sky, so I thought maybe they would be a nice backdrop for the bridge. It didn't turn out quite how I wanted, but I guess it's OK.

Here is another shot I took at sunset.

Happy Friday to everyone!

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