Doll House

By dollhouse

Friday Fun

Lovely day today; Grandma took Lucy Doll (as well as Mama and Izzy of course) shoe shopping for some gorgeous little black patent Lucy-shoes. This was followed by coffee and cakes in our favourite haunt with Aunty Rachie and Baby Ash (Mummy's sister and her adorable little chap).

The sun is shining here this afternoon, so the Dolls are presently playing in the garden.

Rare shot of Mama wearing her dreaded glasses; don't worry, such atrocities shall not be shown on blip again if at all possible, as Mama HATES her glasses with a passion!!! Contact lenses are worn on a daily basis due to being blind as a bat, but on the rare occasion when my eyes start screaming, the glasses have to come out... (Now awaiting a telling off now from my optometrist blip-friend Debra for over-use of contact lenses!)

Happy Friday from the Dollhouse.

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