
By beckie

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We (Tyler, mum, dad & sister) went off for the day to London.
We Tube surfed... (=ride the tube standing without holding on... in a random surf pose... Can't tell we don't kinda thing often can you?! lol!)
We went to the London Eye. The '4D experience' you have before the pod ride was quite cool, very clever! scare Ty a little bit though bless him!
Then we walked to see if the Queen was home, stopping at Trafalgar Square... I have some scary memories of feeding the pigeons there when i was younger... now you're not aloud to feed them, and i think i only saw about 2 while we were there!
From Buck Palace we then went for a quick mooch round the natural history museum before heading homewards.
All in all, a pretty lovely day, laffs & fun times with family... perfik!

This image is made up from 8 images that i took at the top of the eye, quite liked it, even though they don't all quite match up right!

My goodness... just noticed that this is blip 840!!! Thats 840 photos from 840 days of my life! Thats crazy! and also a little bit cool! Must try harder and blip more often again!

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