beauty of the nature

By Hadi

doubled spider!

i found this tiny spider (less than 1 CM long) in the corner of room. at first i had no idea what it is that thing under its body. my first guess was it has some extra body parts because it was walking easily everywhere but that thing under its body was n't moving.

so i took it into a matches box and brought it for a visualization!

after taking a few shots i found out it's another spider and seems quite different from this one also. i put them in the matches box again and after some minutes opened it. the one on the top was making a web all over the other one (it was at the start actually). when i tried to move them with a matches stick the one on the top left and other one and ran.

the other one was dead, what i can't figure out here is its reason. was it taking the dead one to a burial or had killed and wanted to eat the other one? it's a complicated case!

anyhow looks better large!

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