RW's Daily Exposures

By rwsphotography

Historic Home and Door

This door and home is close to my office building. I drive or ride my bike by it almost every weekday. With my eyes sharpened for finding interesting doors, I decided I needed to get a shot of this one to see how it turned out.

I found out that it's actually on the historic registry (the small plaque under the right side lamp).

Of course I added some treatment. I needed to overcome some shadow effects and some tonal inconsistencies to make it more like I envisioned it. I'm trying hard to use various tools to enhance the image without losing the actual details. Something between vivid surrealistic and reality.

Note the leaves at the bottom of the steps - still pretty much as they were shot. Although, the treatment really smooths out annoying reflections in the windows and gives more texture to the surface stucco.

I hope you enjoy it! Everyone, have a great weekend!

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