Sheilah's snaps

By Sheilah

Rainbow in the Park

Part of a sign by the kids' play area, blipped quickly on way to cafe (refuge from the rain, and a sinful bacon butty)

Reminded me of a poem that makes me smile:-


To begin a story
one seldom needs more
than the necessary amount
of gopher wood
to build an ark,
a very old man,
a zoo and a covenant.

And one can always
pad out a story
with details of flooding:
that it rained cats
and dogs for many days
and nothing survived,
not even the things
that creepeth over the earth,
the element of revenge etc.

But a good ending
is more difficult.
One relies, above all,
on God's good memory,
a dove, an olive leaf
and almost certainly a rainbow.

by Michael Bayley

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