
By dogwithnobrain

There were three in the bed....

I've had the best day.

Despite having three girls for a sleep over last night, and a 11.30 pm house visit by 3 of their friends.

Despite having to get up at 5 am, in the morning to make sure we left the house on time.

Despite driving 2½ hours to St Andrews.

It was great.

The morning started well with a early morning (for me), late night (for him) chat with Boy, who was doing what you do in halls as a freshman. Running from room to room, singing songs with the Ukelele and squawking like a Pterodactyl. (Sorry).

We dropped the girls off, twice. Because first we dropped them at the accommodation, but they were supposed to be at the sport centre, which distressed Tooli slightly, because she had packed so many clothes for one night, she couldn't carry her back. How she was going to manage the half mile back to the accommodation was anyone's guess.

We had a bimble round the beautiful St Andrews, a cup of coffee, and then headed to Edinburgh.

As ever, Edinburgh was stowed. We parked at the Castle Terrace, and spent an hour smelling and tasting in the Farmers Market. Then we bimbled up and round the Royal Mile taking in the sights and staring at these street performers who freeze like statues, waiting for them to stop and scratch their noses. But they never did.

Down Cockburn Street, into a little antique shop which was like a treasure trove. I can't even start to describe all that was in there. I bought an old postcard. I like old postcards!

We then wandered through the Gardens, and watched the sights on the walkway between the National Art Galleries. Down through the other gardens, and sat and listened to the Sun Loving Criminals in the Bulmers Garden Pub. Oh how tempting was it to just sit there in the sunshine and drink cider.... too tempting, let me tell you.

a little further on, and for old times sake we sat in the bench where beloved proposed to me. Didn't really propose..... we just decided, but it was on the bench he gave me my ring and it still makes me smile to think about it.

Back up to Princes Street and along to All Bar One to find the Girls. No sign.... All tables were taken, and seats were being allocated. I wandered round trying to find them, but no sign.

Leggies were wearying by this time - we had been on the go for 10 hours.... So we wandered back down George Street, and had a wee look round the Book Festival tents and then headed for the car.

I love Edinburgh, it always grants me a special peace. When I'm down or I need my batteries recharged I just need to be there for the shortest time and I'm fixed. I could drive all the way over, up lothian road, and back home again, and I'd be fine. It's full of happy memories, and love and laughter, and that always comes back to me when I'm there.

Any hoos. That's my day. Am exhausted but happy. I thought you'd like the photo of the girls sleeping in the back of the car. This is almost the same position I found them in last night when they were "doing their maths homework". They were actually just piled up on Tooli's bed, "discussing".


It's lovely to be young isn't it?

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