
By mar

The difficulty of literature is not to write,

The difficulty of literature is not to write, but to write what you mean.
- Robert Louis Stevenson

Today was an action packed fun-filled day for the Dixon's.

First, I went to see R. J. Ellory at the Bridgnorth Library as part of the Bridgnorth Arts & Music Festival. It was wonderful to hear him speak not just about his books, but the process he takes to achieve his books. He also spoke in depth about his opinion on literature (what it is and how to class it). It was a very interesting and inspiring hour and a half.

Ironically, someone asked him about why he doesn't use Roger and he said that Scott that was head buyer at Watertones once told him to change it to help sell books. For some reason, I knew he was speaking about Scott Pack (aka Firestation Bookswap). Small world.

Afterwards, we went to Bantock House where they were having an open house. Michael had helped organize the Comper and a few puppet shows. When we were there, we happened to run into a few people we knew which made it an even more enjoyable afternoon.

On the way home, we stopped for locusts for Lizzy ... and fish. Yes, we now have 3 fish in the new pond. Don't ask me how...

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