In Pictures and Words

By danebsworth


I wanted to go on at lengths about the disgrace of a PE teacher (head of faculty - amazingly) that I saw today struggling to get out of his seat and then wheeze as he waddled to the bar.
I wanted to comment that someone with the pysique of a fully grown (fully fed, particularly out of shape due to prosporous feeding) male walruss was far from the ideal role model for children (of which Egyptian have so far proved to be the most unfit I've encountered) to be learning the finer points and necessaties of physical education.
I wanted to point out that the grotesque tub of lard should probably take a few of his lesson pointers and encorporate them into his own life - accordingly adding more time to his life span as his overworked heart was given a break.

But then a local phraze sprang to mind.

I realised all would be as the Almighty sees it to be.


This blip has absolutely nothing to do with any of that! The pattern on the balcony winning me over after much deliberation.

*He was also the most vile, self rightous, loud mouthed idiot i've ever had the displeasure of over hearing!

**And a rugby fan!

***And scruffy looking!

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