Retirement in Montana

By tomtaylor

sunset in Victorville,CA

This was the last night we were in Victorville and the heavens gave us the most beautiful sunset.

Thank you for all your wonderful comments and prayers for my brother-in-law and sister. It is such a sad situation and I feel so helpless. I just don't know what to do. My brother-in-law , Joe, is dying of bone cancer that has now gone to his brain. He is still home and my sister, who is legally blind and Joe's sister are taking care of him. We were only there 4 days but we did get a lot accomplished. They don't expect him to last another week. He did know who we were and spent a couple of days trying to talk to us but the last day we were there, he was not our Joe. Now my prayers are mostly for my sister. She is so angry for loosing her sight 2 years ago and now she is loosing her husband. It is very hard for her to accept help. She cries all the time and is pushing her kids and grandkids away. Since I live 1200 miles away, I can't hop in the car and be there for her. Hopefully when Joe is gone and her sister-in-law and her husband go back to Texas, she will be able to grieve and then move on with her life. As much as I hate to fly, I might be flying back down there in a few weeks to be there for her.

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