Baloo and the 3 Rescues

By Iselle

Here Comes the Summer Sun

The weather was fabulous this weekend!! It's not even September yet and the temperature already reached 28 degrees celsius today... Summer is knocking on the door:)

We took Paddington and Baloo for their 3rd clicker class this morning and it went really well. Paddington still has anxious episodes, but it's far less frequent than before and much more contained... He's loving the sense of achievement and gets all excited when he sees the clicker!

They went for a swim after training and spent the rest of the morning basking in the sun outside. We had a braai this afternoon, followed by a looooong afternoon nap and an early-evening walk. It's been a wonderful day... I just wish it had 48 hours, instead of 24!

May you all have a blessed week ahead:)

(ps. I back-blipped this picture of Baloo if anybody is interested)

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