Long Slow Distance

By platanos

Lord Damian awaits his picnic

Ildi and I were graced with the company of Lord Damian of Grounds today, who arrived this morning in Lewes, anti social secretary in tow. We breakfasted at Bill's (eggs benedict of course) then sampled some art at open houses in the artwave festival.

Later, we ventured to Alfriston and the Clergy House, a magnificent Hall House, the first property purchased by the National Trust (for £10).

In the garden was a fine picnic table and Sir Grounds (who, regular listeners will know, is an exceedingly tall man) seated himself, expecting lunch. His Tallness was disappointed.

Thenceforth we repaired to Isfiled and the Laughing Fish, whereupon we ate pickled eggs and biltong and admired an exhibition of woodcuts and lithographs.

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