This day

By snapper


Long lie, Sunday service then lunch with friends who have rented a lovely wee cottage in Iveraray. Home, dogs walked, a nice dinner.
Daughter #2 then phones from Glasgow to say the next door neighbours had locked the storm door and she had no key! panic, big sister in Aberdeen, big brother in Oban, I phoned my pal and she was at work. It was then I reqalised how few people I now knew in Glasgow!
Finally after her battering on the storm door, pesky neighbour came down and opened it then said that this wouldnt happen if we had a bell on the outdie! What the Hell use was that tonight when there was no one in the bloody house!neighbours were at it as they have abell on the outside that people ring when they are actually looking for our house (our bell is inside the porch) They asked me to put a bell on the outside wall as they were getting too many folks ringing their bell (odd given that it doesnt work)
Anyhows she got in, now big sister is giving her her key to get another one cut tomorrow. Don't think I will be putting a bell on the outside! They are becoming ackward buggers! rant over, back to my peaceful Sunday
Have a good blip all
Picture is a figurine that a past lodger gave my late mother as a gift when she quailified as a doctor and had stayed in our house for 5 years. The dragon I bought is an incense burner.

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