
By kempa


"Well, birthdays are merely symbolic of how another year has gone by and how little we've grown. No matter how desperate we are that someday a better self will emerge, with each flicker of the candles on the cake, we know it's not to be, that for the rest of our sad, wretched pathetic lives, this is who we are to the bitter end. Inevitably, irrevocably; happy birthday? No such thing."
-Jerry Seinfeld.

Me and my sister shared 3 thick candles on a cake tonight at our family birthday celebration. Her birthday is tomorrow, and my birthday is a week from today.

I'm not having a super sweet sixteen or anything like that. Instead I got my D90 super early which has been a better gift as it has been my true companion for 5 months. I don't want a party anyway. I'm truly awkward and don't dance at parties so I'd be a crappy hostess. Instead, I will be in Boston for my birthday because we are moving my sister in. Then two days later I will be back in my glorious high school taking first day ap tests and stressing about the year ahead.

After this year has gone by, I feel nothing but bored. I want something exciting to happen. Something significant and meaningful. As I am a strong believer in change I feel like I haven't. I feel like the people in my life have changed this past year, my life has changed, my everyday activities, my friends, my hobbies. But have I changed or grown as a person? Lets go through what has happened since this time last year:
I went back to school. I did Seussical (lol).I kept getting sick.I guess I grew an inch.I stopped growing.I barely tried in school.I still did really well.I gave people advice.I lost my best friend.I lost some other friends.I met some interesting people.I hated some people.I loved some others.I slept.I ate.I helped.I started playing the ukulele. I was in Les Mis (until I had to quit due to illness). I went to Florida, then Tenesse, then Florida again. I went to Martha's Vineyard twice.I went to New Hampshire.I was taken advantage of.I was an anti conformist.I was lied to.I cared too much.I had regrets.I hated school.I got my camera.It became my new best friend.I took pictures of everything and everyone.I was rude.I worked at camp.for free.I was tall.I dreamed.I laughed until I cried.I cried a few times.I looked for something that was missing. It's still missing.

Not much excitement.
Another year older and another year gone.

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