Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Moses is 2

With the best of British expats living in Los Angeles heading to Pasadena for Moses' 2nd birthday, close friends, I love this photo for just that: all of us together. At the base of the mountains sits Vanessa & Martin's home, an Arts & Crafts gem and I adore it there.

Some other fun shots of the day I could have Blipped - newborn Baby Emerson, Reuben on the birthday boy's bike, the hammock shots, the paddling pool, but I loved this for the array of expressions, my mad dash after setting the self timer, all the kids in the shot and oodles of smiles.
or my (neglected) blog.

Me far right, Reuben & Callum in the centre.

Maksim is 3 birthday party

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