
By cracker

Spence the photographer!

This morning Kaz left really early to go to Sydney for the day for a meeting. Spence and I got up at about 7.30am then got ready to go into the city for my scan. We made it in time and I have to go back on Thursday for another one. Am hoping to be able to have the egg transfer early next week!

We then went and visited friends of mine, Anne and Ed who are wonderful, wonderful, people. They are the parents of my friend Clare who came to visit us yesterday and have helped me a lot over the years when I was going to Uni. They have four kids but no grand kids yet and would be the most wonderful grandparents! They love Spence and I wish we saw more of them.

We had a great time today at their house. Spence played well, reading books with us and pottering about with a ten cent coin he found! We had lunch and then I went out into the back yard looking for today's blip. Someone else's house is a potential gold mine of blip opportunities!!

I was taking photos of some of the flowers in the trees and Spence went off looking for something. He came back with his 'camera'. It was actually a matchbox that had a zebra stuck to the outside of it. Spence doesn't know what a matchbox is, luckily, we use a gas lighter to light the fire and the stove so don't really have matches around.

Anyway, he found this matchbox with a zebra on it and decided it was his camera and he was going to take some pictures! He was so cute walking around the yard telling us that he is 'taking a picture of the tree'. Then he would hold the camera up and say 'click'! He went to all the places he had just seen me take photos and even knelt down on the ground like I had done! I took a couple of photos of Spence while he was doing this.

We came home and then Tarsh, Ethan and Laura came over for tea (burritos) which was lovely, then Kaz got home just after they had left but before Spence had gone to bed so he got to see her.

Back to work tomorrow but going to different station for my two days shifts so someone else from that station can go to my station for the two days to do a training course.

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