Partied Out!

44 + 4

Katie had a really busy day today. It started with a family trip to the Sunday Market (Mummy sneakily bought a very exciting Christmas present for Katie but shhhh don't tell her). We had carefully timed the trip, having faith (HA) in the weather forecast, we'd waited til the 'one shower' that they had predicted passed. Then of course it heaved it down again whilst we were out! So Katie got a very lovely grobag out of the excursion to keep her extra snuggled!

After a quick lunch it was time for the first party of the day. And the first First Birthday of any of our postnatal group :( It was a lovely party but it was quite sad that this time has come already. But it was wonderful, he was prem and so tiny when he came, and today you'd hardly know.

At the second party of the day, a family gathering for my little cousin's 9th birthday, including all the cousins, several aunts, grandparents etc, Katie really came into her own. She was on such good form. She had her first 'pram pushing' experience, and my word do I wish i'd caught it on video. Rapture is the only word to describe it really. She lent down and kissed the baby doll, and the whole room melted.

This 'nearly made it' was taken first thing Sunday after the big day in the hot tub... Morning after the night before...

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