Stirling Reidos

By StirlingReidos


Real busy day to day...good fun though.

Started off with church in the morning. Always a bit of a BP raising experience for me with the Reid boys. Too much carry on not enough listening. Behaviour could have been better in Church but Sunday School was better.

After lunch we cycled to the Kings Park for the Active Stirling open day. The boys turned their and to hockey, curling and football. Es had a wee shot of the curling and the wee fella did the jumping beans obstacle course.

We then cycled home and headed down to the peak for a swim.

The end result of all this activity for the wee fella was this. Fell asleep on the way home from the pool and didn't stir all through dinner or when we popped him in bed...he can have an extra weetabix tomorrow morning:-)

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