
By nicky

While I was at mum's yesterday, I managed to sit and stitch this month's square for my textile group's project - The Unspoken Word. As I've mentioned before, it's a sort of chain-letter where we each stitch a square based on one that was passed to us by someone else in the group. I was going to give you a link to the one that this was based on, but I find that I haven't blipped that one so I can't! Anyway, I'm just glad to get it done and pass it on. I don't much like working in this way - I'd rather stitch my own ideas rather than base them on someone else's, but the rest of the group seem to love the project. I think we should be finishing this month as we'd thought we would only do it for nine months (there are nine members in the group) but there seems to be a general consensus that we should carry on until the end of the year. Bother.

The colour on this isn't very good, but you get the idea. Oh, and it's only an inch square, so it doesn't look this clumpy in real life!

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