Suzy's Scenes

By suzyscenes

I really don't know clouds...

Here I am, after work, but at work, loading Sunday's blip. I was gone most of the day Sunday, and remembered, at the last minute, that there was a party for my nephew and his wife, who are moving Tuesday to Wisconsin. So, my husband and I threw on some better clothes and drove like crazy to Myrtle Point, to the party. I kept thinking "I'm not going to get anything to blip", and then, I went outside and there were these great clouds as the sun was going down.

Of course, I am always a spectacle taking photo after photo of the same scene to try to get a good capture. As usual, it is not as good as I would like, but it is not too bad.

Anyway, I don't know if I will get to take anything worthwhile on Monday because of the rain. We are supposed to have rain for about 3 days. The farmers are happy.

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