Miss R Osie

By MissROsie

Birthday on the train.

We got up really early this morning to catch the morning train back to Stockholm. It was nice to wake up at my mum's on my birthday! It's been many years since I heard our special birthday song being sung live from beside my bed in the morning! Fifteen years or so...

We travelled by slow train and it was kind of nice, you do see a lot more than you do from the fast trains. I can't remember the last time I travelled between Stockholm and Malmoe in one of those old trains, but I was a bit surprised by some of the stations it stopped at so it must have been several years. Maybe fifteen. Maybe more?

Anyhow, well back in Stockholm I allowed myself to spend my birthday in the laziest possible way. A nap, then sushi and spending time with johan after a week away.

I had a nice day, and now it's so late it is in fact not my birthday anymore... So nighty night!
Sleep tight.

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