All that I'm after...

By AllThatImAfter


"Oh! what a tangled web we weave
When first we practise to deceive!"

~Sir Walter Scott

Today was difficult. After the failure I mentioned in the last post, I left work early (for me) to get home and do all the laundry that had piled up. I needed clothes for vacation, as holey jeans and men's T-shirts, while clean, just weren't high on my packing list. I noticed this huge web on the porch railing during my trips back and forth to the laundry room. I finally snapped a photo of it after dusk because the spider deigned to appear upon it. Unfortunately, this is the belly of said spider. Still, the reflections off the car tail lights add an interesting dimension to the photo, which I didn't notice at the time.

I also slipped on the tiles in the laundry room when a moth decided to divebomb my head. Fabric softener makes tile slick as hell. Just what I needed tonight, a bump on the head and a bruise on my arm. But that's been the last week of mine indeed. Here's hoping vacation goes a lot smoother.

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