The Dugs Paws

By Cora


A few Saturday's ago, at work , a guy with glasses, came marching into my workspace.

He was raging, bawling and shouting at me.

I let him have his rant.

Looked him in the eye, and asked who he was.

At that he went into another rant, and stormed off.

My shift manager was in the office at the time, and I told her that I was not here to take that type of behaviour. She agreed.

Two nights a go this same guy came into the workspace again.
" Do you remember me" I wasn't very nice to you a few weeks ago.Sorry and this is for you."

I told him there was no need, but he insisted that I take the chocolates.

Patience is a virtue indeed!!!

So after all that, it was a warm sunny day, I have been out working in the garden, time to relax now with a bottle of red....and these chocolates!!!!

Have a nice evening all.

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